As you read this, I can assure, you will hear a voice from within to change. Don’t let go of it ! Hold on! Hold on! Till you really make a change.
It was
horrifying to listen to the confessions and stories of suppression- an emotion
that is not really heard off or addressed; something that we hold back or put
an end to. The conversation about sex is still a taboo. The fear of being
judged is one of the main reasons why the word SEX is camouflaged and unaddressed, unspoken and misguided. I truly understand how our
thoughts, words and deeds are so ironic, contradictory and hypocritical. We’ve
flourished heaps and bounds from the primitive age, with the latest technology
that gives easy access to the unwanted information just by a click and in a
gify.Pornography, cyber crimes, depression, Social Isolation so on and so
forth. Mass media also has a great influence on ALL, right from the adults to
the new born. In contrary to this, we also have our own conservative beliefs
and traditions that definitely clashes with the culture that is portrayed. We
force these beliefs and expect our children to follow the same. Alas! Little do
we know our children’s curiosity, intelligence and innocence that take them to
where they really are not meant to be- a damage that can be repaired with a
permanent scar(Pause and think). How can we watch/read or listen to some
information and think we can educate our children when we ourselves need clarity
on the Subject. We think we know and debate superficially on any given Subject.
Its only when you know what you know is so minute; you realize the importance
of being educated with the right information in the right way.
I care
to be a responsible Citizen.
I’ve taken the responsibility, and it’s You I am
responsible for.
ALL who
are beside ME and with ME.
Thank you