Friday, 31 January 2014

Not only a Doctor

She is my doctor, I have met so many doctors but she is a doctor who is a mother , sister , friend and a guide. She made me from ZERO to HERO. I met her as infertility and unknown depression Patient.  She made me her family member and powerful human being.  

!! she lies down there with pain but yet calm and peace it reminds me of the word she says FOR HUMAN BEINGS MISERY IS DEFINITIVE BUT SUFFERING IS OPTIONAL !!   

Every moment of my life I remember you say ''NEVER SAY QUIT''.  I will never QUIT waiting for you come back.   

Dr. Raji a true inspiration !!

                                                                                                           -srishtian (Hemathri)

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Light in our moments of Darkness

It reminds us what Dr.Raji said about Darkness,
“Not giving up to darkness and saying OK to darkness is one thing
that is when I can guide my life in my darkness”
Her words are the light in our moments of darkness
Her words are like the guide , As light in darkness
We wonder what it would have taken to be a leader to work
a whole child sex abuse awareness program without being
funded or receiving donations .

She said , “The treasure are our people and she
invested everything on them because at the
end it was for THE PEOPLE”.
Just her thought keeps us moving all through the day
Srishti Team


You are a true inspiration. You have worked selflessly for no self monitory gain, and have contributed for the future of the country, the children. What you foresee, is such a dynamic representation of intelligence and the power to dare because you truly care. You care for the child's smile and you worked with us.


"You may be weak, we shall be your strength.
You be our eyes, we shall be your vision.
You can't move, we will create the movement.
You can't speak, we will be your voice.
You may be left in your thoughts, we will do the thinking.
You are bound and limited, we will be the creators of unbounded freedom.
We will live a life with values of Srishti. We will create The Life".
मनसा सततम् स्मरणीयम्
Let us always remember,
वचसा सततम् वदनीयम्
Let us repeatedly speak out:
लोकहितम् मम करणीयम् ॥धृ॥
Our duty is to do good to humanity.
We started just as 2 people became 240 now we are 964. We have grown simply because of our word. You did not stop with people’s comments and hurdles.
You always said that till you are a leader you need to work on self, once you are a leader it always about creating others as leaders
Thank you for creating us as leaders.
Thank you for creating each one of us as divine potential to manifest.
Thank you for creating the purpose of life that we have moved higher than our daily selfish needs.
Thanks for creating every challenge into an opportunity.
An opportunity to create responsibility with every child.

" Our Word that we keep our Word "
                                       - Srishti Team